Friday, 1 March 2013

A mish mash & a sale

Hi new friends, I am so happy that it's Friday & I have a few things to share with you.

1) Project Ensuite Evolution 
The tiling is complete, hallelujah, I thought it would never end.
The guy who did it is a total perfectionist & I appreciate one taking their time, but after 2 1/2 weeks I was ready for this part to be done, so we can get the rest of the show on the road.

Here's a sneak peek, I can't give it all away quite yet.

2) Hair
I'm gett'in my hair did tomorrow, and I am wanting something different. 
I have been growing my hair for what seems like an eternity. So, last June I got extensions, and I had long flowing locks like had been dreaming about. When I had them taken out at the end of November, my hair was way longer than I anticipated. It grew so much, just what I wanted right?
Well, now I find myself overcome with hair, mine is super thick and I have enough for like, 3 people, and now all I do is put it in a ponytail.

I'm toying with the idea of layers, bangs, 
lots of blonde highlights, and maybe even some violet, think Kelly Osbourne!

If I had balls I would go Kelly all over!!!

I'll give you the final result Monday or if you follow me on Instagram you can see it Saturday.

3) There goes 100 bones
I was lucky enough to sell all of the old fixtures from Project Ensuite Evolution via Craigslist & Kijiji.
A guy brought the vanity light for $100, like 5 weeks ago, and he was willing to wait a week or two until it was taken down, but one thing lead to another, and the light was till here. So I offered to deliver it to his home yesterday, only because I was going to be in the area. When I opened the trunk to my SUV, the fixture must have shifted somehow, and it fell out and smashed all over his driveway.
F#*k Me.

I am having a SALE over at Pillotopia for the month of March.
  I'm offering up, 20% off everything even E-Design & Design Boxes for the whole month.
Use coupon code march2013

neon rain

tail lights





ikat polka dot


Design Box


If you are interested in working together contact me, together we can create something wonderful!

Happy shopping & almost week end

Hollie xo

1 comment:

  1. I'm really loving your pillows. Do you do custom and what if I only wanted pillow cases. I stalk you on ig too if I want to answer there or email me(


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