Thursday, 6 June 2013

Designer Spotlight - Kimberley Seldon's New Pad

Sorry for the lack of postage yesterday, it was a busy one & I didn't have anything that I was able to pull out of my sleeve for you to enjoy.

I did manage to glance through a few magazines while I was out & about. I read an article in Chatelaine Magazine that was highlighting Kimberley Seldon's new home. For those of you who are like, "Who's Kimberley?" Kimberley is an amazing & canadian Interior Designer.  

She and her husband down sized from a large 5 bedroom home into a 2 bedroom condo.  Let me start off my stating, that this place is right up my alley - BIG TIME! Dark walls, colourful pattern fabrics, hidden kitchen appliances, a calming bedroom with beautiful makeup / dressing area & lots of creative storage - Sounds great to me.

Have a peek.

This image was applied to glass door on the foyer closet - beautiful & functional.
I will need to do this one day.

All of the layers of pattern, colour & shape are very pleasing to the eye.

Glamorous focal wall & chairs.

Millwork painted the same as the walls are my favourite & the brass hardware is simple & statement making.

A stove top that can be hidden away behind a door - need I say more!

Nothing to say here either - a girl needs her own space for beautifying.

The dark ceiling & mirror make the room look larger & the lighting is lovely.

Click here to see more of Kimberly Seldon's works.

See you here again tomorrow. Have a beautiful day.

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Thanks for reading. I enjoy your feedback.